
Scrying is one of the oldest forms of divination, conjuring images of smokey eyes gazing into crystal balls and young maidens looking into glassy pools of still water, the mysterious nature of this skill is undeniable. However, this is not a talent that one must be born with; on the contrary, this is a skill that can be honed with enough practice and patience.

Scrying is the art of peering into the unknown, entering a liminal state and seeing what has happened and what is still yet to come. However, scrying is more than an ancient divination technique, it can be a powerful exercise that strengthens intuition and allows us to connect with our higher selves.

The art of scrying, no matter what tools are used, is a naturally intuitive practice that requires concentration, patience, and lots of practice. The rewards for all this hard work can be a stronger link to your “clairs” (clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, etc.) these extrasensory perceptions can lie dormant for years, and scrying is an excellent way to strengthen these latent gifts.

These exercises can also aid in connection with spirit. Whether you are trying to connect with your spirit guides, your higher self, or guardian angels and family spirits; the focused liminal state we enter when actively scrying can put us in the receptive frame of mind needed for connection with these spirits.

Step one: properly setting your space

Having the right space set up for your scrying sessions can be the difference between a strong connection, and brief broken images. The most important part of your setting should be a calm environment free of distraction, a seat at a table is best.

Cleansing and prepping your space is also highly recommended; incense, smudging, or any other ritual you use to prep for intensive work will help set the room and yourself for the best experience possible.

  • Casting a circle

  • Sweeping out negative energy

  • Asperging with cleansed water

  • Soothing music

  • Appropriate lighting

Step two: choosing the right tools

There are many tools used in scrying, and finding the one that feels best for you can take a few tries. While there is always the classic crystal ball, there are far more mediums available for gazing:

  • Smoke

  • Candle Flame

  • Water

  • Minerals (garden quartz, selenite, onyx, obsidian, etc.)

  • Mirrors

  • Darkness

There are far more mediums than I could list here, but the important thing is to try a few options and see what you connect best with. You can even combine tools, for instance putting a piece of garden quartz in a dark bowl of water. Get creative! And don’t be afraid to keep trying!

Step three: getting in the right frame of mind

Focusing your mind and setting an intention are valuable steps in the scrying process. You want to try to focus on entering a receptive liminal state. So, what is a liminal state? To put it simply, a liminal state is between sleep and wakefulness. While in a liminal state you have slow and even breathing, a lowered heart rate, and your brainwaves move from alpha to theta.

There are many ways to reach a liminal mental state, the most prominent being meditation. Allowing yourself to enter a blank meditative state for a few minutes before scrying can tune your mind and make you more receptive to messages and images received through your extrasensory perception.

  1. Set an intention for your session, what are you trying to perceive?

  2. Sit in a comfortable position in your prepared space

  3. Focus on emptying your mind through meditation

  4. Relax and focus on breathing

Step four: gaze

After entering the right frame of mind, the next step is to gaze into your chosen medium while maintaining a relaxed state. Lowered lighting and a dark cloth or backdrop for your scrying tools can help maintain focus, however some find that using a more direct light or candle flame works best for them.

Allow your eyes to relax, and your vision to soften around the edges. This is where patience comes into play, it can take several minutes before you start to perceive anything. Let go of preconceived notions or negative self-talk and allow yourself to be fully present in the moment.

Scrying can be an art of subtly and metaphor, the images you see may be symbolic rather than literal. Color, shape, symbol...this is the language of the subconscious, by entering a liminal state your gazing may turn up images like dreams that may require similar interpretation.

Step five: reflect and record

After any session it is important to record your results, you can do this with a journal dedicated to divination or through recording devices used during your scrying. As your skills develop you may be able to interpret what you are seeing in the moment, but while you are training your intuitive senses it can be invaluable to have a record you can look back on.

Reflect on the images and messages you’ve received, no matter how small or nonsensical they may seem. This will give you a sort of glossary of symbols and meanings, and help you develop a reliable system of interpretation. Gazing is very personal and unique to each user, so an image of a snake may be symbolic of regeneration to one person and a symbol of lies to another. So, focus on what these images mean to you.

10 tips for effective scrying:

  • Embrace your individuality – what works for others may not work for you, keep trying and experimenting to find the best tools and setup for you.

  • Start simple – you don’t have to go out and buy an expensive crystal or find the perfect gazing mirror to get started, a simple candle flame or bowl of water is all you need to start.

  • The atmosphere is everything – be sure you are working in a calm and undisturbed space; this may mean gazing in the early hours or any time you will be able to give scrying your full attention.

  • Set small achievable goals – it is better to focus on small milestones than go for an intense connection right away, and reaching small goals builds confidence.

  • Stay focused – taking a few minutes to relax and focus before and after a session can help you reach a liminal state faster over time.

  • Keep a record – whether you choose to record your results in a divination journal or a folder of recordings, having a record to look back on is vital to seeing progress and knowing when to make changes.

  • Research – reading books and articles on scrying can open you up to new tools and methods, and talking to other intuitives can illuminate other paths you may have missed.

  • Remember self-care – all intuitive work can be very draining, especially at the beginning; make sure you are recharging and not pushing yourself too hard.

  • Trust your intuition – any information, no matter how small, is important when using any divination technique. Never doubt yourself or your senses when scrying, if something comes through trust and record it.

  • Keep an open mind – don't limit yourself or your abilities by focusing on what you think is possible, keep yourself open to extreme possibilities so you are not unintentionally limiting yourself.


Metaphysical Laws