A basic introduction to the art of scrying.
Scrying is one of the oldest forms of divination, conjuring images of smokey eyes gazing into crystal balls and young maidens looking into glassy pools of still water, the mysterious nature of this skill is undeniable. However, this is not a talent that one must be born with; on the contrary, this is a skill that can be honed with enough practice and patience.
Scrying is the art of peering into the unknown, entering a liminal state and seeing what has happened and what is still yet to come. However, scrying is more than an ancient divination technique, it can be a powerful exercise that strengthens intuition and allows us to connect with our higher selves.
The art of scrying, no matter what tools are used, is a naturally intuitive practice that requires concentration, patience, and lots of practice. The rewards for all this hard work can be a stronger link to your “clairs” (clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, etc.) these extrasensory perceptions can lie dormant for years, and scrying is an excellent way to strengthen these latent gifts.
These exercises can also aid in connection with spirit. Whether you are trying to connect with your spirit guides, your higher self, or guardian angels and family spirits; the focused liminal state we enter when actively scrying can put us in the receptive frame of mind needed for connection with these spirits.
Having the right space set up for your scrying sessions can be the difference between a strong connection, and brief broken images. The most important part of your setting should be a calm environment free of distraction, a seat at a table is best.
Cleansing and prepping your space is also highly recommended; incense, smudging, or any other ritual you use to prep for intensive work will help set the room and yourself for the best experience possible.
Casting a circle
Sweeping out negative energy
Asperging with cleansed water
Soothing music
Appropriate lighting
There are many tools used in scrying, and finding the one that feels best for you can take a few tries. While there is always the classic crystal ball, there are far more mediums available for gazing:
Candle Flame
Minerals (garden quartz, selenite, onyx, obsidian, etc.)
There are far more mediums than I could list here, but the important thing is to try a few options and see what you connect best with. You can even combine tools, for instance putting a piece of garden quartz in a dark bowl of water. Get creative! And don’t be afraid to keep trying!
Focusing your mind and setting an intention are valuable steps in the scrying process. You want to try to focus on entering a receptive liminal state. So, what is a liminal state? To put it simply, a liminal state is between sleep and wakefulness. While in a liminal state you have slow and even breathing, a lowered heart rate, and your brainwaves move from alpha to theta.
There are many ways to reach a liminal mental state, the most prominent being meditation. Allowing yourself to enter a blank meditative state for a few minutes before scrying can tune your mind and make you more receptive to messages and images received through your extrasensory perception.
Set an intention for your session, what are you trying to perceive?
Sit in a comfortable position in your prepared space
Focus on emptying your mind through meditation
Relax and focus on breathing
After entering the right frame of mind, the next step is to gaze into your chosen medium while maintaining a relaxed state. Lowered lighting and a dark cloth or backdrop for your scrying tools can help maintain focus, however some find that using a more direct light or candle flame works best for them.
Allow your eyes to relax, and your vision to soften around the edges. This is where patience comes into play, it can take several minutes before you start to perceive anything. Let go of preconceived notions or negative self-talk and allow yourself to be fully present in the moment.
Scrying can be an art of subtly and metaphor, the images you see may be symbolic rather than literal. Color, shape, symbol...this is the language of the subconscious, by entering a liminal state your gazing may turn up images like dreams that may require similar interpretation.
After any session it is important to record your results, you can do this with a journal dedicated to divination or through recording devices used during your scrying. As your skills develop you may be able to interpret what you are seeing in the moment, but while you are training your intuitive senses it can be invaluable to have a record you can look back on.
Reflect on the images and messages you’ve received, no matter how small or nonsensical they may seem. This will give you a sort of glossary of symbols and meanings, and help you develop a reliable system of interpretation. Gazing is very personal and unique to each user, so an image of a snake may be symbolic of regeneration to one person and a symbol of lies to another. So, focus on what these images mean to you.
10 tips for effective scrying:
Embrace your individuality – what works for others may not work for you, keep trying and experimenting to find the best tools and setup for you.
Start simple – you don’t have to go out and buy an expensive crystal or find the perfect gazing mirror to get started, a simple candle flame or bowl of water is all you need to start.
The atmosphere is everything – be sure you are working in a calm and undisturbed space; this may mean gazing in the early hours or any time you will be able to give scrying your full attention.
Set small achievable goals – it is better to focus on small milestones than go for an intense connection right away, and reaching small goals builds confidence.
Stay focused – taking a few minutes to relax and focus before and after a session can help you reach a liminal state faster over time.
Keep a record – whether you choose to record your results in a divination journal or a folder of recordings, having a record to look back on is vital to seeing progress and knowing when to make changes.
Research – reading books and articles on scrying can open you up to new tools and methods, and talking to other intuitives can illuminate other paths you may have missed.
Remember self-care – all intuitive work can be very draining, especially at the beginning; make sure you are recharging and not pushing yourself too hard.
Trust your intuition – any information, no matter how small, is important when using any divination technique. Never doubt yourself or your senses when scrying, if something comes through trust and record it.
Keep an open mind – don't limit yourself or your abilities by focusing on what you think is possible, keep yourself open to extreme possibilities so you are not unintentionally limiting yourself.
Metaphysical Laws
An introduction to the twelve core concepts of spiritual metaphysics.
Learning about the world of metaphysics can be a daunting task, the first question we ask ourselves is “What does metaphysics even mean?” Ask a spiritual advisor and they will tell you “Metaphysics is the term to describe how the spiritual and physical worlds meet.”
The topic of metaphysics has been covered by historical figures like Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Aquinas, and Rene Descartes. But to simplify things for our purposes we are going to focus on spiritual metaphysics, spiritual metaphysics goes beyond the philosophical question of “Why are we here?” and becomes a spiritual path that branches over all others; accepting all spiritual paths and teachings to finding a greater and higher truth.
Spiritual metaphysics incorporates the use of the “Spiritual Laws of the Universe,” you may recognize some of these universal laws or truths from popular culture and the self-help movement. In fact, the spiritual metaphysical movement goes all the way back to the 16th century! But today we focus on what we can do with these universal truths and how we can implement them to bring balance, abundance, and clarity to our everyday lives.
Law of Divine Oneness
The first of these universal laws is the “Law of Divine Oneness.” This is the foundational law of the universe and covers the interconnectedness of all things. Every thought, action, and event are connected in some way to everything and everyone else; our words, actions, and intentions ripple outward indefinitely.
Putting it bluntly, the love that you put out to the universe, regarding yourself or others, comes back to you. Conversely, negative thoughts and actions towards yourself or others come back to you the same way. This foundational law is found in every religion; “Do unto others,” “the power of three,” and “like attracts like” are just a few examples of this law rephrased.
Applying this foundational law to your everyday life is as simple as remembering to be kind, and practice mindfulness in your thoughts and actions. Think before you act, “Do my actions reflect compassion and kindness?” “Are my actions motivated by good intentions?” By practicing mindfulness, you are aware of not only your actions but the motivations behind those actions. Make love your intention, and love will come to you.
Law of Vibration
The second of these universal laws is the “Law of Vibration.” This law states that everything in the universe moves vibrates, and travels in its particular patterns. An item, like a mug, may look solid with the naked eye; however, on a microscopic level there are actually many tiny particles vibrating in place.
This law for the physical world also applies to the ethereal one; our thoughts, intentions, and spirits have their own particular vibrations. To put it simply: positivity raises your vibration, while negativity lowers it. If you find yourself constantly encountering closed doors or unnecessary struggle it could be that you are operating on a lower vibration. Fortunately, there are many ways to raise your vibration!
Positive self-talk, yoga, meditation, chakra work, and any other self-love rituals that cause you joy, will raise your vibration. So, if you find yourself feeling frustrated or aimless; take a little bit of time to yourself. A higher vibration will open you up to our fourth law, the law of attraction. But first, we need to talk about the law of correspondence.
The Law of Correspondence
Our third law of spiritual metaphysics is the “Law of Correspondence,” this law is all about repeating patterns that exist throughout the universe.
To quote Lao Tzu:
"Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny."
To sum it up, our reality is a mirror of what is happening to our innermost selves. As above, so below. As within, so without. By looking at the patterns that we create or disrupt within our lives, we can adjust these patterns or make new ones in order to manifest our own destinies.
Creating a daily self-ritual can be all it takes to aid in manifestation! Using a daily planner or writing in a journal every night can aid you by making you aware of these patterns and correspondences in your daily life.
Law of Attraction
Our fourth law is by far the most popular, the “Law of Attraction.” The law of attraction is often used for manifestation, but it is also the law of vibration in action. You raise your vibrations to the level of that which you are seeking, and you must honestly believe what you are seeking is possible to obtain.
With this piece of spiritual metaphysics, the most important thing to remember is like attracts like. In order to manifest abundance, you must raise your vibrational level to attract positivity; believe that good things are coming to you and that you deserve them.
By being your most authentic and genuine self you will find that what you need simply makes it’s way to you.
Law of Inspired Action
Our fifth law of metaphysics is the “Law of Inspired Action,” this law is closely related to the law of attraction as the two go together. Where the law of attraction is about raising your vibrational frequency to attract or manifest the things you want, the law of inspired action is about doing actionable things to make these manifestations a reality.
For example, if you want to manifest a loving relationship, a way to do that would be to make room for the new person. Simple actions like mindfully making room for someone else's clothes in your closet or buying a second coffee mug to enjoy with your partner are ways to attract that new love interest into your life.
While focusing on your intentions, think of the small things you can do to help these intentions manifest into reality.
Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Our sixth law is the “Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy,” which is quite a mouthful! But don’t let this long-winded title scare you, it is actually a basic concept.
To put it simply: everything in the universe is constantly evolving and fluctuating, and higher vibrations can consume and negate lower vibrations. This means that each one of us has the ability to change the condition of our lives.
To apply this to your everyday life, just focus on doing things that make you happy! Play your favorite song on repeat, watch your favorite movie that makes you laugh, and spend time with someone who brings you joy. These simple examples can help to raise your vibration, which in turn will help eliminate negativity around you.
Law of Cause and Effect
Our seventh law is the most straightforward, the “Law of Cause and Effect.” This law states that every action or thought has a corresponding reaction or consequence. An easier way to sum this up would be “you reap what you sew,” or what you put out into the universe comes back to you.
Take care of and support the ones you love, and they will be there for you in times of need. Remember that in order to receive help you must first be willing to help others.
Law of Compensation
Our next law of spiritual metaphysics is the “Law of Compensation,” this law is all about trusting that abundance and manifestation will come your way. Think of it as the law of attraction coming to its conclusion, trust that the rewards coming to you are earned, deserved, and equal to the energy and effort you put forth.
To put this into action all you have to do is believe; believe that you are deserving of the good things coming your way, believe that you can achieve more than you have right now, and believe that you are worth just as much love as you put forward.
Law of Relativity
Our ninth law is the “Law of Relativity,” but a simpler way to put it would be the law of perspective. This law states that everything is neutral, neither good nor bad until compared to something else. What may seem insurmountable can be achieved with a simple change of perspective.
For instance, you may feel like you do not have many friends because you are comparing your social media account to someone else’s. The truth may very well be that your friends are closer and more helpful to you than any number of faces on a social media platform.
A straightforward way to see the law of relativity in action is to practice daily gratitude; take a moment from your day to be grateful for the good things around you and be grateful for the lessons learned through challenging times. This can help you see the bigger picture and help change your perspective on life.
Law of Polarity
Our 10th law is the “Law of Polarity”, this law states that everything has an opposite; good and bad, hot, and cold, love and fear. This law builds on the law of relativity, understanding what we both do and do not want to manifest for ourselves. What seems like a time of terrible hardship can lead to a lesson learned that causes you to have a better life.
A bad breakup after a long relationship can cause grief and pain, but once we have felt sorrow and moved past it, we realize what was wrong with the relationship. We learn what we really want in a partner. We also learn what kind of love we want, and the kind of relationship that we need moving forward. The law of polarity allows us to find the positive in the negative and have gratitude for the lessons learned in challenging times.
Applying this law is as simple as learning from your mistakes, when you find yourself in a difficult position try to think about what the opposite may look like. These changes in perspective can reveal insights into how best to move forward.
Law of Rhythm
The next law is the “Law of Rhythm,” this law focuses on the natural cycles that are a part of our universe, our lives, and ourselves. Where the law of perpetual transmutation of energy focuses on the cycles that we have the ability to change or negate, the law of rhythm is about the cycles which we cannot control.
We cannot control the tides of the ocean, or the seasons of the earth; just as we cannot prevent the natural cycle of aging. Everything ends, and that ending leads to the birth of beautiful new possibilities. Embracing these rhythms will leave you open to all the new possibilities that are coming; do not cling to the past, be excited about the future!
If you find yourself feeling uncoordinated with your natural rhythms or cycles, try spending some time outdoors and looking at the natural change of the seasons around you. Watch the tides of the ocean, the movement of the stars across the night sky, or the cycles of the moon. By watching these natural rhythms, you can learn to let go of that which you cannot control and focus on the things that you can.
Law of Gender
Our twelfth and final law of spiritual metaphysics is the “Law of Gender;” but don’t let the name fool you, this law has nothing to do with biological sex. A more appropriate title for this would be the law of balance, as the law of gender is really all about balancing contrasting energies.
What is sometimes referred to as the “divine masculine” and the “divine feminine” can also be seen as “Yin and Yang” or “anima and animus.” One is bright, active, and outwardly focused; while the other is dark, still, and inwardly focused. These two forces are within us all and need to be balanced within all beings.
A way to interpret this law in your everyday life is to try to find the balance between these two energies, and the balance between giving and receiving. Focus on your life and see if one of these energies is present more heavily than the other, then do some inner work to try to find harmony. Speaking to a coach about shadow work can help by focusing on how you balance these natural energies.
In conclusion, the world of metaphysics is a complicated one. It can be easy to get lost in the terms and interpretation of what the word “Metaphysics” really means. But with the help of these twelve laws, you can begin to understand the overarching theme of spiritual metaphysics; using the knowledge of many paths and many places, while respecting all, to understand the energies of what we can and cannot see. To find inner balance and tranquility, to love and understand ourselves, and to feel connected to the world around us.
All this may sound like a daunting task, but it can be achieved in many ways:
· Listening to a guided meditation
· Practicing mindfulness
· Use a gratitude journal or daily planner
· Speaking to a spiritual psychic coach about shadow work and metaphysical empowerment
· Doing the things that light you up and bring you joy
These are just a small handful of the many ways you can follow these twelve laws of spiritual metaphysics. Now that you have been introduced to them, you will notice them in your life increasingly often. Just remember that it is not about trying to achieve everything all at once, it is a journey that lasts a lifetime.
Astrological Tarot
Learn the Tarot cards that correspond with each sign of the Zodiac.
When giving or receiving a reading, Zodiac tarot card correspondences can be useful in lots of ways; cards associated with certain constellations and planets may help answer questions about timing. Also, if the major arcana card associated with your astrological sign shows up it may mean that you need to pay close attention! Star correspondence can also be useful when looking into other people who may be entering our lives, if asking about a new love interest coming your way these cards could tell you which astrological sign they were born under.
The best way to get started is to learn which tarot cards correspond with the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Astrological signs are archetypes of personality the same way the tarot is made-up of story archetypes, by learning these first 12 associations you can begin to have a deeper understanding of the major arcana.
Aries : The Emperor
The first sign of the Zodiac is represented by the Emperor, the king of the deck. This is really no surprise considering his throne is adorned with Rams heads, and the ram is the symbol for Aries. The Emperor's right hand holds the Egyptian symbol for life, the ankh, and his left the symbol for power, the orb. Much like fiery Aries the Emperor's energy is all about taking charge and leading by example.
Ruled by the planet Mars, the star sign Aries and the Emperor can both have short tempers, as well as being too proud to admit that they've sometimes made mistakes. The Emperor is a symbol for power and structure, two things that come naturally to an Aries.
Taurus : The Hierophant
The Hierophant, also known as the Pope in some decks, represents the second sign of the Zodiac. The staff in the figures left hand represents mastery of matter, thought, and emotion; and the card's number, five, is cosmically linked to the planet Venus, the ruling planet for Taurus.
Much like the Hierophant, Taurus is known for having a defined system of values and ethics. However, Taurus can be stubborn or immovable when those values and thoughts are challenged. The figure sitting on the card represents a loyal person who gives good advice, something that we can all say is true for a Taurus.
Gemini : The Lovers
Our next Zodiac sign on the wheel of the year is represented by the Lovers, a card depicting not only companionship but also the dual nature of a Gemini. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, making them one of the more social signs of the astrological chart. The image on the card shows Adam and Eve; one looking forward representing a view of the physical, the other is looking upward representing a view of the intuitive.
The classic image of the Lovers card shows our pairing in front of the tree of knowledge, just as every Gemini knows there's more than one way to solve a problem. This card is all about balancing the energies of life, something that Geminis understand deeply.
Cancer : The Chariot
Our fourth astrological sign is represented by the Chariot; much like the armored crab, the Chariot pictures a warrior returning home from conflict triumphant in his victory. The image on the card shows the chariot being pulled by two sphinxes, one white and one black; this represents Cancer's ability to exist in both the material and spiritual realms.
Ruled by the Moon, Cancer is a deep feeling and naturally intuitive sign. And just like the river depicted in the background of the card, Cancer can go with the flow. But watch out, this moon child is no pushover! This warrior will do whatever it takes to protect itself emotionally, as well as the ones they care for most.
Leo : Strength
Fiery Leo is represented in the tarot by the Strength card. While this card depicts a lion, the image is more about the female figure holding the jaws of the creature open. A maiden with the strength to hold open the jaws of a lion sums up Leo to perfection! Passionate, loyal, and strong; Leo is ruled by the sun and just as impossible to ignore.
The maiden on the card is crowned with an Infinity symbol, representing endless possibilities; and Leo is always looking for a chance to reinvent themselves. This card is all about trusting your own strength and patience, as well as having confidence in your abilities. Just like their solar influence, Leo always finds the confidence to shine through.
Virgo : The Hermit
Our sixth sign of the Zodiac is represented by the Hermit tarot card; the Hermit is all about wisdom found in solitude, and Virgo is naturally comfortable with solo energy. The image on the card features an older figure using a Lantern to light their way, this Lantern is a metaphor for seeking out truth and knowledge. Just like the figure on the card. This hard-working earth sign is willing to spend however long it takes to master the skills they think are most important.
Virgo is also ruled by Mercury, but instead of being focused on communication with others Virgo's energy is more about communication with the self. Information obtained through insight and self-journey, this perfectly sums up both the Hermit and a Virgo.
Libra : Justice
The next sign of the Zodiac is represented by scales; these scales are visible in its corresponding tarot card, Justice. The scales of Justice represent fairness, equality and balance, three things sacred to a Libra. Ruled by the planet Venus, the planet of love and beauty, libras enjoy both artistic and intellectual pursuits. However, in times of stress a Libra can balance the scales between what they want and what they need.
The figure depicted on the Justice card sits in a place of authority and holds us accountable, it reminds us to do what's fair and what's right. This is what a Libra does best, bringing harmonious balance to a chaotic world.
Scorpio : Death
Our next Zodiac sign is just as misunderstood as the tarot card that represents it. While the figure of Death atop his horse can be frightening to see, the Death card represents transformation and rebirth. The same way our misunderstood scorpion sheds their skin, this water sign is an expert at embracing change.
Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of destruction and transformation. Scorpio knows all too well that sometimes you must break something to build it better, this is the foundational energy of the Death card. Scorpios understand that this energy isn't something to be feared but something to be rushed toward head on.
Sagittarius : Temperance
The final fire sign of the Zodiac, Sagittarius, is represented by Temperance. The Angel shown on the card is tempering water by moving it from one golden chalice to the other, with one foot in the water and one foot on the land in both worlds at the same time. This is the energy of a Sagittarius, everything everywhere all at once.
This sign is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance; so naturally Sagittarius wants to have it all. However, much like the Angel on the card, Sagittarius can be a gifted mediator putting judgments aside and finding common ground.
Capricorn : The Devil
The final earth sign of the Zodiac, Capricorn, is represented by another dread inducing tarot card; the Devil. The Devil card warns us about relationships or situations that have grown toxic or manipulative, but the image of the Lovers bound in chains has more to do with Capricorns strict energy.
Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn; the planet associated with tasks, responsibilities, rules and timing. Capricorns are associated with earthly success and ambition, and the Devil serves as a warning for when those ambitions go too far.
Aquarius : The Star
It should come as no surprise that Aquarius is represented by the Star, considering the Aquarius constellation is known as the water bearer and the Star depicts exactly that. The woman knelt by the stream and the card represents new beginnings and hope in a reading, this is fitting when you know that Aquarius is known as the humanitarian of the Zodiac.
Ruled by the planet Uranus, the governing planet of innovation and technology, aquarians use innovative thought for the greater good. The astrological sign Aquarius is all about finding hope, this is reflected perfectly in the Star.
Pisces : The Moon
The final astrological sign is Pisces, represented in the tarot by the Moon. The Moon represents the subconscious and unknown parts of your mind, the dog and the wolf represent both the tamed and untamed parts of yourself.
Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet that controls dreams, illusion, escapism and creativity; where some may stray away from the unknown, Pisces dives in headfirst. Neptunian energy is much like the water shown in the card, magical mysterious and unknowable.
Psychic Protection
Techniques for Shielding Yourself from Negative Energies
Whether you are participating in psychic work or a natural empath, navigating energies can be both enlightening and challenging. As practitioners, we often find ourselves exposed to various vibrations, some of which may not align with our highest good. This is where the importance of psychic protection comes into play. Just as we safeguard our physical well-being, it's crucial to protect our personal energetic boundaries. In this article, we'll delve into effective techniques for shielding yourself from negative energies, empowering you to maintain balance and clarity in your psychic journey.
Understanding Negative Energies:
Before delving into protection techniques, it's important to understand the nature of negative energies. These energies can stem from various sources, including environmental influences, emotional imbalances, and even the energies of those around us. When left unattended, they can drain our vitality, cloud our intuition, and disrupt our energetic flow. Maybe you’ve felt drained after spending time in a crowded building or found that a conversation with an overly negative coworker has left you feeling tired and foggy. By acknowledging the presence of these negative energies, we can proactively take steps to shield ourselves and maintain an energetic equilibrium.
Grounding and Centering:
One of the foundational practices for psychic protection is grounding and centering. Grounding involves connecting with the Earth's energy, by mindfully anchoring yourself in the present moment. This can be achieved through simple exercises such as visualization, walking barefoot on the earth, or engaging in mindful breathing techniques. A favorite technique of mine is picturing tree roots growing from the soles of my feet deep into the earth, visualizing them branching out and reaching down into the cool soil beneath me. Centering, on the other hand, entails finding your inner balance and aligning with your core essence. Participating in activities that promote a sense of physical balance can help you find energetic alignment, devoting time to dance, yoga, or simply being mindful of posture can create a feeling of inner balance. Regular grounding and centering practices can fortify your energetic foundation, making it more resilient to negative external influences.
Creating Energetic Shields:
Visualizing protective shields is a potent and useful technique for safeguarding your inner energy from negative influence. Envisioning a shield of light or color surrounding your body acts as a barrier, deflecting any unwanted vibrations. Try experimenting with different imagery, such as a bubble of white light, a suit of fiery armor, or a force field of protection. Trust your intuition to guide you in creating a shield that resonates with you personally. Regularly reinforce this visualization throughout the day by picturing it in your mind's eye for a few seconds, especially before engaging in psychic work or entering energetically charged environments.
Setting Intentions:
Intention is a powerful tool in any psychic arsenal, it can manifest abundance as well as protect our energy. By consciously setting your intention to ward off negative energies, you establish a clear boundary between yourself and external influences. Before embarking on any psychic endeavors or heading to locations you find draining, take a moment to clearly state your intention for protection. Affirmations such as "I am surrounded by light and love, shielding me from all negativities" can be recited to strengthen your resolve. Remember that your intentions carry potent energy, shaping the reality you experience.
Utilizing Crystals and Stones:
Crystals and stones have long been used for their protective properties in metaphysical practices. Black tourmaline, obsidian, and hematite are among the many crystals known for their ability to absorb and transmute negative energies. Carry these stones with you or place them in your environment to create a protective barrier. Additionally, you can incorporate crystal grids or wear protective jewelry infused with these stones to amplify their energetic effects. Trust your intuition when selecting crystals, as different stones resonate with individuals in unique ways.
Cleansing Rituals:
Just as it's essential to protect yourself from negative energies, it's equally important to cleanse and purify your energetic field regularly. Incorporate cleansing rituals into your routine, such as smudging with sage, burning incense, or bathing in saltwater. These practices help release stagnant energy and remove any lingering negativity. Additionally, engage in self-care activities that nourish your body, mind, and spirit, such as meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature. By prioritizing your well-being, you reinforce your psychic protection from within.
Maintaining Boundaries:
Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries is a fundamental aspect of psychic protection. Learn to discern when to engage with certain energies and when to step back for self-preservation. Trust your instincts and don't hesitate to assert your boundaries, whether it's in personal interactions or psychic consultations. Remember that it's okay to say no to anything that doesn't align with your highest good. By honoring your boundaries, you cultivate a space of empowerment and respect within yourself and with others.
By integrating these techniques into your life, you empower yourself and shield yourself against negative influences while maintaining an energetic balance. Grounding and centering exercises, visualizing protective shields, setting clear intentions, utilizing crystals, performing cleansing rituals, and maintaining personal boundaries are all valuable tools in your psychic protection toolkit. Embrace these practices knowing that you have the power to cultivate a sacred space of safety and harmony within and around you. As you continue your psychic journey, may you walk with confidence, guided by the light of your own inner wisdom.
Sacred Trees of Druidism
In the rich tradition of Druidic lore, trees are revered as sacred beings, each possessing unique qualities and symbolic meanings.
Today I want to focus on the mystical realms of the Druids and their profound connection to nature, where trees hold a special significance. In the rich tradition of Druidic lore, trees are revered as sacred beings, each possessing unique qualities and symbolic meanings.
A Brief History of the Druids:
The Druids were ancient Celtic priests, scholars, and spiritual leaders who flourished in the lands of Britain, Ireland, and Gaul (modern-day France) thousands of years ago. Renowned for their deep reverence for nature and their profound understanding of the natural world, the Druids played a central role in Celtic society, serving as mediators between the earthly realms and the divine.
For the Druids, trees were not merely objects of admiration but living embodiments of divine wisdom and spiritual energy. They viewed trees as sacred entities, each possessing their own unique essence and vibrational frequency. Groves held immense significance as sacred spaces where the veil between the physical and otherworld was believed to be thinnest. These natural sanctuaries served as places of worship, meditation, and communion.
These trees were revered as wise elders and revered teachers, offering lessons in resilience, strength, and interconnectedness.
Oak (Duir): At the heart of Druidic tradition stands the mighty Oak, revered as the King of Trees. Symbolizing strength, endurance, and wisdom, the Oak embodies the power of the Druidic spirit. Its towering presence evokes a sense of protection and stability, serving as a sacred gateway to the Otherworld. The Druids held their ceremonies beneath the ancient boughs of the Oak, seeking guidance and inspiration from its timeless wisdom.
Yew (Ioho): With its evergreen foliage and longevity, the Yew tree holds a special place in Druidism as a symbol of death and rebirth. Associated with the cycles of life and the afterlife, the Yew represents transformation and regeneration. Its branches reach skyward, bridging the realms of the living and the dead, guiding souls on their journey through the mysteries of existence.
Rowan (Luis): Known as the "Tree of Protection," the Rowan tree is revered for its magical properties in warding off malevolent forces. Druids often planted Rowan trees near their homes and sacred sites to safeguard against negativity and evil spirits. Its vibrant red berries were believed to possess potent healing properties, offering strength and vitality to those in need.
Birch (Beith): As a symbol of new beginnings and purification, the Birch tree holds a sacred place in Druidic rituals and ceremonies. Its slender trunk and delicate leaves signify the promise of renewal and growth, inspiring seekers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. The Druids honored the Birch as a sacred vessel of transformation, inviting seekers to shed their old selves and embrace the radiant light of a new dawn.
Holly (Tinne): With its evergreen leaves and vibrant berries, the Holly tree symbolizes protection and resilience in the face of adversity. Associated with the winter solstice and the festival of Yule, the Holly represents the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Druids adorned their homes and altars with Holly branches during the dark months of winter, invoking the blessings of the ancient gods and goddesses to bring light and warmth to the world.
Apple (Quert): Revered as the "Tree of Immortality," the Apple tree holds a special place in Druidic myth and legend. Its sweet-scented blossoms and succulent fruit symbolize abundance and fertility. Druids celebrated the sacred harvest of the Apple tree with rituals and feasts, offering gratitude to the earth for its bountiful gifts and blessings.
Elder (Ruis): With its fragrant flowers and dark berries, the Elder tree is steeped in folklore and magic. Associated with the fairy realms and the wisdom of the ancestors, the Elder embodies the mysteries of the unseen world. Druids revered the Elder as a sacred guardian of the natural world, offering prayers and offerings to honor its divine presence.
In the stories and odes of Druidic tradition, each tree carries its own unique symbolism and significance, weaving together the threads of the natural world with the mysteries of the divine. If you walk the path of the Druids, you may find solace and inspiration in the timeless wisdom of these sacred beings. Through their teachings, we discover the profound interconnectedness of all life, weaving together the threads of past, present, and future.
To learn more about conservation and protection of these and other sacred trees, visit
Connecting to Cosmic Energy
A basic guide to understanding the energy of each planet, and how to connect with these heavenly bodies.
In the area of astrology, the planets serve as guides, each wielding its unique energetic imprint upon our lives. From the fiery passion of Mars to the ethereal wisdom of Neptune, these cosmic bodies dance through the heavens, weaving intricate patterns that shape our earthly experiences. Understanding the roles of these planets can help us to navigate the ebb and flow of life's energies.
The Sun:
At the center of our solar system, the Sun radiates vitality and illuminates the essence of our being. In astrology, the Sun represents our core identity, ego, and life force. Associated with Sunday, it symbolizes strength, confidence, and self-expression.
To connect with the Sun's energy, bask in its golden light during sunrise or sunset. Meditate with citrine or sunstone to ignite your inner fire and cultivate self-awareness. Visualize yourself surrounded by warmth and vitality, embracing your unique essence with courage and clarity.
The Moon:
As the gentle guardian of the night sky, the Moon governs our emotions, intuition, and subconscious mind. Linked with Monday, it symbolizes nurturing, sensitivity, and introspection.
To attune to the Moon's energy, immerse yourself in lunar rituals such as bathing by candlelight or gazing at the moonrise. Work with moonstone or selenite to enhance your intuition and emotional balance. Engage in reflective practices like journaling or dreamwork to delve into the depths of your psyche and honor your inner wisdom.
Mercury, the messenger of the gods, governs communication, intellect, and travel. Aligned with Wednesday, it symbolizes adaptability, curiosity, and mental agility.
To harness Mercury's energy, engage in activities that stimulate your mind, such as writing, studying, or engaging in stimulating conversations. Work with crystals like clear quartz or blue lace agate to enhance mental clarity and communication skills. Practice mindfulness meditation to quiet the chatter of the mind and listen to the whispers of inspiration.
Bearing the mantle of love and beauty, Venus governs relationships, pleasure, and artistic expression. Associated with Friday, it symbolizes harmony, sensuality, and indulgence.
To embrace Venusian energy, surround yourself with beauty in all its forms – indulge in art, music, or pampering self-care rituals. Work with rose quartz or emerald to open your heart chakra and attract love and abundance into your life. Practice gratitude and appreciation for the simple joys that enrich your existence.
As the fiery warrior of the cosmos, Mars ignites passion, ambition, and assertiveness. Linked with Tuesday, it symbolizes courage, drive, and action.
To channel Mars' energy, engage in physical activities that invigorate your body and spirit, such as martial arts or vigorous exercise. Work with crystals like red jasper or garnet to boost your energy levels and ignite your inner fire. Practice assertiveness and boundary-setting to pursue your goals with determination and resilience.
Jupiter, the cosmic benefactor, governs expansion, luck, and abundance. Aligned with Thursday, it symbolizes optimism, growth, and wisdom.
To align with Jupiter's energy, embrace a spirit of adventure and exploration – seek out new experiences and opportunities for personal growth. Work with crystals like amethyst or citrine to amplify your prosperity consciousness and attract abundance into your life. Practice generosity and acts of kindness to cultivate a sense of gratitude and goodwill.
Saturn, the stern taskmaster of the zodiac, governs discipline, responsibility, and karma. Associated with Saturday, it symbolizes structure, resilience, and mastery.
To harness Saturn's energy, cultivate self-discipline and perseverance in pursuing your long-term goals and aspirations. Work with grounding crystals like black tourmaline or hematite to anchor yourself in the present moment and overcome challenges with grace and resilience. Embrace the lessons of Saturn's trials as opportunities for growth and self-mastery.
Uranus, the revolutionary, governs innovation, originality, and individuality. Associated with Wednesday, it symbolizes freedom, liberation, and unconventional thinking.
To tap into Uranus' energy, embrace your unique quirks and celebrate your individuality. Work with crystals like aquamarine or labradorite to stimulate creativity and inspire innovative ideas. Engage in meditation practices that encourage openness to new perspectives and breaking free from societal norms.
Neptune, the mystic dreamer, governs spirituality, imagination, and compassion. Aligned with Thursday, it symbolizes transcendence, empathy, and illusion.
To connect with Neptune's energy, immerse yourself in creative pursuits that inspire your soul, such as music, art, or poetry. Work with crystals like amethyst or aquamarine to enhance intuition and deepen your spiritual connection. Practice meditation techniques that invite you to explore the depths of your subconscious mind and tap into the collective unconscious.
Pluto, the agent of transformation, governs rebirth, power, and regeneration. Linked with Tuesday, it symbolizes intensity, depth, and metamorphosis.
To harness Pluto's energy, embrace the process of inner alchemy and personal evolution. Work with transformational crystals like obsidian or smoky quartz to release old patterns and embrace new beginnings. Engage in shadow work and introspection to confront and integrate aspects of yourself that have been hidden or repressed. Embrace the cycle of death and rebirth as a catalyst for profound growth and empowerment.
Each planet in our solar system offers a unique energetic signature, inviting us to explore and embrace different facets of our being. By attuning to these cosmic influences and incorporating practices to connect with their energies, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and our place within the vast tapestry of the universe.
Harnessing the Energy of the Full Moon
How to use the energy of the full moon to embrace completion and renewal.
In the cosmic dance of the universe, few events capture the imagination and excite the spirit quite like the full moon. As it illuminates the night sky in its full splendor, it brings with it a powerful energy that has been revered across cultures and traditions for centuries. For those looking to be attuned to its vibrations, the full moon offers a sacred opportunity for reflection, release, and renewal.
The Significance of the Full Moon
In many spiritual and mystical traditions, the full moon is seen as a symbol of completion, culmination, and heightened spiritual energy. Its radiance serves as a beacon of illumination, shining light into the depths of our psyche and illuminating that which has been hidden or obscured. Just as the moon waxes to its fullest expression before waning, so too do we experience natural cycles of growth, fruition, and release in our own lives.
Harnessing the Energy of Completion
During the full moon phase, the energy is ripe for completion and closure. It's a potent time to reflect on the past month's experiences, acknowledging both the successes and the challenges that have come our way as well as the knowledge we have gained form those experiences. By taking stock of where we are on our journey, we can gain clarity on what needs to be released to move forward with our highest good in mind.
Letting Go with Grace
One of the most powerful practices during the full moon is the art of letting go. Just as the moon releases its light into the darkness of the night, we too can release that which no longer serves our highest good. Whether it's old habits, limiting beliefs, or relationships that have run their course, the full moon provides us with the opportunity to surrender these burdens with love and compassion.
Practical Rituals for Release
Engaging in ritual can amplify the potency of our intentions during the full moon. Here are some simple yet powerful practices you can incorporate into your full moon ritual:
Take some time to reflect on what you're ready to release. Write down any thoughts, emotions, or patterns that no longer align with your highest good. Once you've written them down, you can ceremoniously burn the paper in a fire safe container as a symbol of release.
Find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed and take a few moments to ground yourself and your energy. Visualize the full moon's radiant light washing over you. With each breath, feel yourself being cleansed of negative energy and released from what is no longer in your highest good. Visualize yourself having achieved your goals, clearly see what you want your future to look like. Recognize that by letting go you are taking one more step towards making this future a reality.
Energy Clearing:
Use tools such as sage, palo santo, or essential oils to cleanse your space and your energy field. As you smudge or anoint yourself, set the intention to release any stagnant or discordant energy, allowing space for fresh inspiration and vitality to flow in. A ritual bath is another way to cleanse yourself and your space; by using herbs and salt in fresh water you can sprinkle this over yourself and your space to cleanse in a smoke free environment.
Release Ceremony:
Create a sacred space with candles, crystals, and other meaningful objects. Take a few moments to connect with your energy and cleansed environment, and set the intention to release whatever is holding you back. You can then speak your intentions aloud or simply visualize them dissolving into the ethers. Some crystals you may consider using:
Selenite: Named after the moon goddess Selene, Selenite carries the energy of purity and clarity. Its luminous white appearance reflects the glow of the full moon, making it an ideal companion for lunar rituals. Selenite's gentle yet potent energy can help to cleanse and purify, facilitating the release of stagnant emotions and negative patterns.
Clear Quartz: Often referred to as the "master healer," it is a powerful amplifier of energy. During the full moon, Clear Quartz can help to magnify our intentions for release and renewal. Its pure, radiant energy can also assist in bringing clarity and insight to our intentions, guiding us toward greater alignment with our highest path.
Epidote: Known as the "stone of manifestation," Epidote is deeply connected to the energy of release and surrender. Its verdant green hues resonate with the heart chakra, facilitating emotional healing and transformation.
Embracing Renewal
As we release the old, we make space for the new to emerge. The energy of the full moon invites us to embrace the infinite possibilities that lie ahead and to plant the seeds of intention for the future. Just as the moon wanes and waxes again, so too do we have the power to continually renew and reinvent ourselves with each passing cycle.
The full moon serves as a reminder of the eternal rhythms of life and the ever-present opportunity for growth and transformation. By harnessing its potent energy, we can align ourselves with the natural flow of the universe and create a life that is in harmony with our highest purpose. As you bask in the glow of the full moon's light, embrace the beauty of new beginnings.
What is Spiritual Coaching?
How can spiritual coaching help you?
As a professional psychic and spiritual coach, I am dedicated to guiding individuals like you on a path towards realizing their highest potential and living a spiritually enriched life.
So, what exactly is spiritual coaching?
Spiritual coaching is a deeply personalized experience tailored to meet your unique needs and desires on your spiritual journey. It's about empowering you to tap into your inner wisdom, intuition, and spiritual gifts to navigate life with clarity, purpose, and authenticity.
Here's what spiritual coaching entails:
Harnessing Your Natural Intuition:
One aspect of spiritual coaching involves tapping into your innate intuition. Whether it's using divination tools like tarot cards or runes, or through intuitive exercises and practices, we work together to unlock your intuitive abilities and connect you with your inner guidance by finding the practical method that you resonate with.
Exploring Your Clair-Senses:
Many individuals possess clair-senses, such as clairaudience (clear hearing) or clairvoyance (clear seeing), yet they may not fully understand or trust these gifts. Through spiritual coaching, we hone these abilities, helping you to recognize your clair-senses so that you can develop these intuitive skills. Through one-on-one coaching, you can find the method that works best for you without hours of researching or spending thousands on repetitive books.
Cultivating Mindfulness and Meditation:
Meditation is a powerful tool for quieting the mind, centering yourself, and deepening your spiritual connection. As your spiritual coach, I provide guidance and support as you explore various meditation techniques tailored to your unique preferences and needs. Meditation is not a one-size-fits-all exercise, whether you respond most to visualization, sensory perception, or audio stimulation; we can find the best way for you to center yourself and ground your energy.
Walking Your Own Path:
Your spiritual journey is entirely your own, and spiritual coaching respects and honors that. Instead of dictating a set path, I serve as a compassionate guide, helping you navigate the twists and turns of your spiritual journey while offering support, insight, and encouragement along the way. Through a series of interviews and simple questionnaires, together we will find the roadmap for your personal growth; one tailored to your interests and goals.
Filtering Through the Noise:
In a world filled with distractions and external influences, it can be challenging to discern what truly serves your highest good. Spiritual coaching helps you cut through the noise, identify your core values and aspirations, and focus on practices and goals that align with your authentic self. By illuminating the path together, you can focus your time on reaching your goals...not digging through endless content to find something that you feel connected to.
Ultimately, spiritual coaching is about empowering you to live a more spiritually fulfilled life by embracing your unique gifts, connecting with your inner wisdom, and walking your path with confidence and clarity.
Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth? If so, I invite you to take the first step towards a brighter, more enlightened future by booking your first session of spiritual coaching. Together, we can unlock the limitless potential that resides within you and help you shine your light brightly in the world.
Illuminating the Path: A Guide to Maximizing Your Tarot Reading
One of the comments I hear most in my readings is “I don't really know what to ask.” Getting a psychic reading can feel overwhelming, each reader has a different style and focuses in a unique way. In this article, we'll go over how to focus your intentions, ensuring that you, as a client, get the absolute most from your time with me.
One of the comments I hear most in my readings is “I don't really know what to ask.” Getting a psychic reading can feel overwhelming, each reader has a different style and focuses in a unique way. In this article, we'll go over how to focus your intentions, ensuring that you, as a client, get the absolute most from your time with me. Tarot is not just about predictions; it's a mirror reflecting the energies that shape our lives.
Discover how to frame your inquiries, prepare your mind, and trust the process. The knowledge within these words is crafted to enhance your experience, providing you with the tools to extract the clarity you need from our tarot sessions.
1. Set Intentions:
Before your reading, take a moment to center yourself. Set clear intentions for the reading. What areas of your life are you seeking guidance on? Is it love, career, or personal growth? Focusing your energy on specific areas of your life will allow us to create a lens that leads to a more clear and less vague reading.
2. Write Down Your Questions:
Organize your thoughts by writing down the questions you want guidance on before your appointment. This simple practice not only helps you articulate your concerns but also ensures that no important questions are missed during the reading. The act of writing creates a bond between your conscious mind and the insights gained during our time together.
3. Be Direct and Specific:
The clarity gained from the tarot unfolds when you ask precise questions. The symbols and images on the cards can be interpreted in many ways, so the more direct your question is the clearer I can be with my interpretation. Here are some examples to inspire you:
"What can I expect in my romantic life over the next three months?"
"What insights can you provide about my career path for the upcoming year?"
"What does the energy between me and (specific person) look like moving forward?"
"What spiritual lessons should I focus on for my personal development this month?"
Feel free to tailor these examples to your specific situations and concerns. Direct questions pave the way for targeted and insightful responses.
4. Embrace Time Frames:
Sometimes timing is everything, and tarot readings can provide glimpses into certain time frames. If you have a specific period of time in mind, such as the next three months, don't hesitate to mention it. This focus enhances the accuracy and relevance of our readings, as well as adding a new layer of clarity.
5. Name People and Relationships:
The energies that surround us are often intertwined with specific individuals. When seeking guidance on relationships, mention the first names of the people involved. This enables me as a reader to focus and tap into the unique dynamics and energies surrounding those individuals, providing a more personalized and profound reading.
6. Ensure Adequate Time:
To fully benefit from your tarot reading, ensure your appointment is long enough to address all your questions with ample time for clarification. This allows for a more in-depth exploration of each aspect, ensuring that you get the most from your time.
7. Time Unveils Insights:
Tarot readings, much like life's journey, may take time to fully unfold. At times, a reading might not make complete sense immediately. However, as time moves on new perspectives are gained, and the cards may reveal deeper insights and offer a richer understanding. It's like a tapestry that becomes clearer with each passing day, providing guidance and clarity as situations unfold.
8. Relax:
I understand that tarot readings might seem intimidating. Rest assured, there's no judgment here—only a commitment to providing you with the clarity you seek. Every journey is personal, and my role is to give clarity without passing judgment. Feel free to open up, explore, and let the tarot cards reflect your journey.
Remember, in the sacred space of a tarot reading, trust the process. The cards are vessels of wisdom, and your openness to receive these messages amplifies the clarity and transformative power of the experience. Embrace the insights, reflect on the guidance received, and let the wisdom of the tarot guide you on your spiritual journey.
May our tarot sessions be filled with illumination, clarity, and spiritual growth.